Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph

Price: 664.30 98.41
  • 客户方案2Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 客户方案2
  • 【直降9折】【4K智能跟踪版】音视频一体机Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【直降9折】【4K智能跟踪版】音视频一体机
  • 客户方案Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 客户方案
  • 【30㎡会议室】400万智能音视频会议一体机Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【30㎡会议室】400万智能音视频会议一体机
  • 【40㎡无线会议】200万无线智能音视频会议一体机Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【40㎡无线会议】200万无线智能音视频会议一体机
  • 【20㎡会议室】200万智能音视频会议一体机Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【20㎡会议室】200万智能音视频会议一体机
  • 【智能跟踪促销款】1080P高清  3倍变焦Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【智能跟踪促销款】1080P高清 3倍变焦
  • 【70-120㎡会议室】12倍云台版+级联麦克风扬声器全套Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【70-120㎡会议室】12倍云台版+级联麦克风扬声器全套
  • 【基础款】4K高清 100度大广角Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【基础款】4K高清 100度大广角
  • 【70-120㎡会议室】20倍云台高配版+ 级联麦克风扬声器Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【70-120㎡会议室】20倍云台高配版+ 级联麦克风扬声器
  • 【标准款】4K云台 自动聚焦Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【标准款】4K云台 自动聚焦
  • 【3倍变焦】4K云台  20㎡以下会议室推荐Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【3倍变焦】4K云台 20㎡以下会议室推荐
  • 【5倍变焦】1080P高清 30㎡以下会议室推荐Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【5倍变焦】1080P高清 30㎡以下会议室推荐
  • 【5倍变焦升级版】升级800万体验佳  预算充足推荐Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【5倍变焦升级版】升级800万体验佳 预算充足推荐
  • 【12倍变焦云台版】1080P高清   40㎡以上会议室必备Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【12倍变焦云台版】1080P高清 40㎡以上会议室必备
  • 【12倍云台高配版】4K超清 50㎡以上会议室推荐款Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【12倍云台高配版】4K超清 50㎡以上会议室推荐款
  • 【智能跟踪升级款】1080P高清  8倍变焦Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【智能跟踪升级款】1080P高清 8倍变焦
  • 【智能跟踪旗舰款】1080P超清  15倍变焦Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【智能跟踪旗舰款】1080P超清 15倍变焦
  • 【千人已购】【30-40㎡会议室】5倍变焦+ 无线麦克风扬Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【千人已购】【30-40㎡会议室】5倍变焦+ 无线麦克风扬
  • 【40-60㎡会议室】10倍变焦+ 级联麦克风扬声器全套Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【40-60㎡会议室】10倍变焦+ 级联麦克风扬声器全套
  • 【20-30㎡会议室】3倍变焦 +蓝牙麦克风+扬声器全套Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【20-30㎡会议室】3倍变焦 +蓝牙麦克风+扬声器全套
  • 【20-30㎡会议室】5倍变焦+蓝牙麦克风+扬声器全套Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【20-30㎡会议室】5倍变焦+蓝牙麦克风+扬声器全套
  • 【10㎡会议基础款】USB摄像头+USB麦克风+扬声器Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【10㎡会议基础款】USB摄像头+USB麦克风+扬声器
  • 【10-20㎡会议室】自动聚焦+USB麦克风+扬声器全套Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【10-20㎡会议室】自动聚焦+USB麦克风+扬声器全套
  • 【智能跟踪旗舰款】4K超清  20倍变焦Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph 【智能跟踪旗舰款】4K超清 20倍变焦
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  • brand: other
    model: null
    Article number: mt1003683652
    Specifications: null
    Voltage: other
    weight: other
    type: Official standard configuration
    power: other
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    Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph
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Price: 664.30 98.41
Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph


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Article number:mt1003683652
type:Official standard configuration
Hikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system PhotographHikvision 4K high definition Videoconferencing 1080P wireless Omnidirectional microphone tencent long-range equipment system Photograph
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664.30 98.41


  • 客户方案2
  • 【直降9折】【4K智能跟踪版】音视频一体机
  • 客户方案
  • 【30㎡会议室】400万智能音视频会议一体机
  • 【40㎡无线会议】200万无线智能音视频会议一体机
  • 【20㎡会议室】200万智能音视频会议一体机
  • 【智能跟踪促销款】1080P高清 3倍变焦
  • 【70-120㎡会议室】12倍云台版+级联麦克风扬声器全套
  • 【基础款】4K高清 100度大广角
  • 【70-120㎡会议室】20倍云台高配版+ 级联麦克风扬声器
  • 【标准款】4K云台 自动聚焦
  • 【3倍变焦】4K云台 20㎡以下会议室推荐
  • 【5倍变焦】1080P高清 30㎡以下会议室推荐
  • 【5倍变焦升级版】升级800万体验佳 预算充足推荐
  • 【12倍变焦云台版】1080P高清 40㎡以上会议室必备
  • 【12倍云台高配版】4K超清 50㎡以上会议室推荐款
  • 【智能跟踪升级款】1080P高清 8倍变焦
  • 【智能跟踪旗舰款】1080P超清 15倍变焦
  • 【千人已购】【30-40㎡会议室】5倍变焦+ 无线麦克风扬
  • 【40-60㎡会议室】10倍变焦+ 级联麦克风扬声器全套
  • 【20-30㎡会议室】3倍变焦 +蓝牙麦克风+扬声器全套
  • 【20-30㎡会议室】5倍变焦+蓝牙麦克风+扬声器全套
  • 【10㎡会议基础款】USB摄像头+USB麦克风+扬声器
  • 【10-20㎡会议室】自动聚焦+USB麦克风+扬声器全套
  • 【智能跟踪旗舰款】4K超清 20倍变焦
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