Nordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesale

Price: 40.25 5.96
Domestic Shipping: ¥11 1.63
  • Luxury Gold ColorNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesale Luxury Gold Color
  • Rose GoldNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesale Rose Gold
  • SilveryNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesale Silvery
  • Large 36 * 26 * 15Cm
  • Medium 24.5 * 16.5 * 6.8Cm
  • Small 20 * 10.5 * 5Cm
Extra Information


- +
  • Product category: Desktop storage box
    brand: hz
    Imported or not: no
    model: 001
    texture of material: Metal
    Specific material: iron
    Commodity characteristics: lidless
    function: arrangement
    Storage scene: a living room
    Storage scene: Study
    Storage scene: restaurant
    Storage scene: kitchen
    Storage scene: Shower Room
    Storage scene: On the table
    Storage scene: TOILET
    Storage scene: Locker room
    Storage scene: In drawer
    Scope of application: shoes
    Scope of application: Underwear
    Scope of application: CD
    Scope of application: Remote control
    Scope of application: Socks
    Scope of application: sweater
    Scope of application: magazine
    Scope of application: Stationery
    Scope of application: mobile phone
    Scope of application: tissue
    Scope of application: widely
    Scope of application: Cosmetics
    Scope of application: Bras
    Scope of application: drug
    Scope of application: Toys
    Scope of application: quilt with cotton wadding
    Scope of application: Sundries
    Scope of application: Clothing
    Scope of application: Dirty clothes
    Scope of application: Headphone cable
    style: European style
    pattern: lattice
    capacity: 18L
    Specifications: trumpet
    Place of Origin: Dongguan
    Article number: 619946124275
    Processing and customization: no
    Logo printing: sure
    Trade attribute: Domestic trade + foreign trade
    Packed quantity: 1-50
    Product launch time: Spring 2017
    Price segment: 5-10 yuan
    patent: no
    colour: luxury gold color
    colour: rose gold
    colour: silvery
    size: Large 36 * 26 * 15cm
    size: Medium 24.5 * 16.5 * 6.8cm
    size: Small 20 * 10.5 * 5cm
    Is there a special supply source for cross-border export: no
    Gross weight: 400g
    complete order procedure by YOYbuy
    Nordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesale
    This website follows the safe harbor principle. If any infringement, please inform us in time and we will delete it in time.
    About safe harbor,please click here to learn more.
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    • Items that cannot be shipped through mail

    • 1. Items forbidden to be circulated or shipped according to the national law.

    • 2. Explosive, flammable, erosive, radioactive or toxic hazardous items.

    • 3. Publications, books, sources or items containing reactionary content or obscenity.

    • 4. Currencies of all kinds.

    • 5. Items that violate public health.

    • 6. Items that rot easily.

    • 7. Live animals (not counting bees, silkworms and leeches, as long as the packaging ensures the safety of the workers).

    • 8. Items that are not adequately packaged and may cause hazards to the workers, or contaminate or damage other packages.

    • 9. Other items unsuitable for shipment though mail.

    • Shipping Method
    • Delivery Time
    • Shipment Feature
    Shopping  by
Price: 40.25 5.96
Domestic Shipping: 11 1.63
Nordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesale


view at 1688
Product category:Desktop storage box
Imported or not:no
texture of material:Metal
Specific material:iron
Commodity characteristics:lidless
Storage scene:a living room
Storage scene:Study
Storage scene:restaurant
Storage scene:kitchen
Storage scene:Shower Room
Storage scene:On the table
Storage scene:TOILET
Storage scene:Locker room
Storage scene:In drawer
Scope of application:shoes
Scope of application:Underwear
Scope of application:CD
Scope of application:Remote control
Scope of application:Socks
Scope of application:sweater
Scope of application:magazine
Scope of application:Stationery
Scope of application:mobile phone
Scope of application:tissue
Scope of application:widely
Scope of application:Cosmetics
Scope of application:Bras
Scope of application:drug
Scope of application:Toys
Scope of application:quilt with cotton wadding
Scope of application:Sundries
Scope of application:Clothing
Scope of application:Dirty clothes
Scope of application:Headphone cable
style:European style
Place of Origin:Dongguan
Article number:619946124275
Processing and customization:no
Logo printing:sure
Trade attribute:Domestic trade + foreign trade
Packed quantity:1-50
Product launch time:Spring 2017
Price segment:5-10 yuan
colour:luxury gold color
colour:rose gold
size:Large 36 * 26 * 15cm
size:Medium 24.5 * 16.5 * 6.8cm
size:Small 20 * 10.5 * 5cm
Is there a special supply source for cross-border export:no
Gross weight:400g
Nordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesaleNordic style Iron art Home Furnishing Storage basket Cosmetics storage box desktop Sundries Storage basket snacks Storage basket wholesale
  • Items that cannot be shipped through mail

  • 1. Items forbidden to be circulated or shipped according to the national law.

  • 2. Explosive, flammable, erosive, radioactive or toxic hazardous items.

  • 3. Publications, books, sources or items containing reactionary content or obscenity.

  • 4. Currencies of all kinds.

  • 5. Items that violate public health.

  • 6. Items that rot easily.

  • 7. Live animals (not counting bees, silkworms and leeches, as long as the packaging ensures the safety of the workers).

  • 8. Items that are not adequately packaged and may cause hazards to the workers, or contaminate or damage other packages.

  • 9. Other items unsuitable for shipment though mail.

  • Shipping Method
  • Delivery Time
  • Shipment Feature


40.25 5.96
Domestic Shipping: ¥11 ≈ $1.63


  • Luxury Gold Color
  • Rose Gold
  • Silvery


  • Large 36 * 26 * 15Cm
  • Medium 24.5 * 16.5 * 6.8Cm
  • Small 20 * 10.5 * 5Cm
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