$3.23 ≈ ¥21.8
$2.21 ≈ ¥14.9
$5.78 ≈ ¥39
$3.69 ≈ ¥24.9
$14.52 ≈ ¥98
$3.38 ≈ ¥22.8
$2.93 ≈ ¥19.8
$1.83 ≈ ¥12.37
$2.34 ≈ ¥15.8
$1.90 ≈ ¥12.8
$3.08 ≈ ¥20.8
$2.44 ≈ ¥16.44
$7.39 ≈ ¥49.9
$4.43 ≈ ¥29.9
$2.95 ≈ ¥19.9
$8.15 ≈ ¥55
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