$29.48 ≈ ¥199
$26.67 ≈ ¥180
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$31.11 ≈ ¥210
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$40.00 ≈ ¥270
DD apply Apple 14pro 13 pro Max 14 puls 15 pro Flexible screen oled Screen assembly
$5.93 ≈ ¥40
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$10.67 ≈ ¥72
$36.74 ≈ ¥248
$29.63 ≈ ¥200
$37.93 ≈ ¥256
$8.89 ≈ ¥60
$15.56 ≈ ¥105
$23.56 ≈ ¥159
$34.07 ≈ ¥230
$41.48 ≈ ¥280.00
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