$0.63 ≈ ¥4.2
$4.49 ≈ ¥30
$0.39 ≈ ¥2.6
$5.84 ≈ ¥39
$0.39 ≈ ¥2.6
$4.49 ≈ ¥30
$0.84 ≈ ¥5.6
$2.17 ≈ ¥14.5
$0.52 ≈ ¥3.5
$0.42 ≈ ¥2.8
$3.71 ≈ ¥24.8
$0.67 ≈ ¥4.5
$0.56 ≈ ¥3.76
$0.17 ≈ ¥1.15
$0.87 ≈ ¥5.8
$0.88 ≈ ¥5.9
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