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Prohibited products list

Tobacco products and e-cigarettes

- Counterfeit/Replica goods – fake items deliberately made to look genuine. These can range from clothes, bags, watches, perfume, cosmetics and electrical items as well as pirate DVDs, CDs, computer software and games; Any item attempting to resemble branded products should be considered replica.

- Certain medical devices/products – including laser hair removal devices; candle ear cleaners; body/face shaping devices; prosthetics; medical tests (pregnancy, etc.); contraceptives; contact lenses; dental supplies; mole removers; natural essence burners, etc.; pharmaceuticals (prescription or illegal drugs); baby pacifiers, etc.

- Any product that can be harmful/violent to animals – including dog electrical shock collars, muzzles.
- Military equipment – including weapons, accessories, optic gun sights, etc.
- Illegal electronic devices – such as modification chips and jammers, etc.
- Medical devices and cosmetic products subject to specific authorisation/licensing/registration

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